Program Guidelines


Students must have at least one (1) core subject below grade level on their report card/progress report, be in special education (have an IEP or 504), or have a strong teacher referral. If the report card has an S- or C-, a strong teacher referral must be provided.

Attendance Guidelines 

Students are required to attend all tutoring sessions. If they will be absent, parents/guardians must call our program office one hour prior to each scheduled session. Only our Program Office staff can excuse absences. It WILL NOT be excused if parents/guardians tell the site coordinator, school staff, or ASAP Staff. Tardies are considered an unexcused absense after 15 minutes. After three unexcused absences, students will be dismissed from the program. After an excessive amount of excused absences, they may be dismissed from the program.

Summer Locations

GECAC Office

Brock Elliott Elementary 

Sequoia Elementary 

(Locations subject to change)

Call the Program Office at (209) 825-7003 in May of each year for summer schedule and locations.

This program is partially funded by The San Joaquin County CDBG Program.

What is Teach?

Tutoring Encourages Achievement, Coaching & Hardwork (TEACH) mentor/tutoring is the matching of a student receiving one or more below average grades with a volunteer or tutor. Each session allows the student and mentor to talk together and find out how each other’s day was. This bond breeds trust and a healthy, safe, comfortable environment to study in.  


Fill out an application if your student is failing in at least one subject

  • Must include a parent signature
  • Must include your child’s most recent report card


We are in need of caring individuals from 5th grade to adult who would be willing to volunteer as little as one hour twice a  week to help make a difference in the life of a child 


Supported by Community Development Block Grants (Manteca & Lathrop), United Way Community Council, City of Tracy, Special Events, Partnering School Districts, Volunteers and our Wonderful Donors

Tutor Locations

Anthony Traina


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4:40pm


August Knodt


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Brock Elliott


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

George Komure


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

George McParland


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Golden West


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Great Valley Annex


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Joseph Widmer


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Joshua Cowell


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Neil Hafley


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

New Haven


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Nile Garden


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Program Office


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Program Office - RAP



Starting January 2023

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:20pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

South West Park


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Stella Brockman


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm


Tracy Family Learning Center


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4:40pm



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

Walter Woodward


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:35pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:40pm

During the 2020-2021 school year







HAP is helping with homework program that allows students to bring in their class assignments and work independently with help from a HAP Instructor.  The HAP Instructor oversees the site and offers assistance to those in need. After graduating from One-on-One a student can continue through HAP if they wish.  HAP programs are conducted at various sites, check the application or in the office for current locations.
Reading Assistance Program (RAP) is based on the sensory Orton-Gillingham method, which has been used successfully in reading remediation for over eighty years.  It is an integrated language arts program that systematically teaches reading, spelling, phonics, fluency, grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension.  It uses the four pathways: auditory, kinesthetic, visual and speech to provide multiple instructional practices which many struggling readers need to be successful.  Reading programs are conducted with small groups (6 or less) while allowing each child to work at their level and are held at the GECAC Education Center.


Give Every Child A Chance (GECAC) is a leader in providing after school mentor/programs throughout San Joaquin County.  GECAC  after school programs offer one-on-one mentor/tutoring to children struggling in school.  Over 3,000 students annually receive after school programs and mentor/tutoring through our various programs.  Literacy programs offered through GECAC focus on family reading time, library materials and support services, reading readiness activities, basic concepts about books, creating a print rich environment, book selection tips, what to expect from the child when reading with him/her, how to share a book with a family member, and other literacy-enhancing materials.  Students enjoy the program and have an opportunity to receive support while working on better comprehension skills.  On another level, focusing on comprehension and literacy, GECAC plays a key role in the counties annual Great Valley Book Fair, where thousands of people gather to meet and mingle with their favorite authors, discover new ones, or pick up a book they have been excited to read. These experiences all add to the growth and eventual success of those students participating in our programs.

During the summer we offer a drop-in program for students. We provide worksheets and educational games. They must come once a week at a pre-selected time and must choose Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday.

Contact the GECAC program office at 825-7003 in April of each year for more information and locations.


of teach students had a positive grade change in any subject and in any primary tutoring subject


of teach students strongly agree that their grades have improved while being tutored at gecac


of teach students rated their experience at gecac 8, 9, or 10, on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest possible)

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifies a student for the teach program?
Students must have at least one (1) core subject below grade level on their report card/progress report, be in special education (have an IEP or 504), or have a strong teacher referral. If the report card has an S- or C-, a strong teacher referral must be provided.
How does a student with an IEP or 504 plan graduate/promote out of the teach program?
If the student raises their subject grade by one (1) whole grade or if the student maintains an A or B for two (2) consecutive trimesters.
What does it mean if a student has an asterisk (*) next to their letter grade on their report card?
The student has a modification in that subject. If the * grade is not a D or below, a strong teacher referral is required.
How does a student with an * graduate/promote out of the teach program?
If the student raises their subject grade by one (1) whole grade or if the student maintains an A* or B* for two (2) consecutive trimesters.
Is there tutoring on minimum days? Is there tutoring on Fridays?
If the school the student attends tutoring at is having a minimum day then there will not be tutoring for the day. No, tutoring sessions are either on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays.
What is our attendance policy?
Students are required to attend both days of tutoring. If they will be absent, parents/guardians must call our program office one hour prior to each scheduled session. Only our Program Office staff can excuse absences. It WILL NOT be excused if parents/guardians tell the site coordinator, school staff, or ASAP Staff. Tardies are considered an unexcused absense after 15 minutes. After three unexcused absences, students will be dismissed from the program. After an excessive amount of excused absences, they may be dismissed from the program.
Will the tutor pick up my child from their classroom/Kids’ Club/ Boys and Girls Club/ASAP?
Our tutors do have other students so they cannot leave the tutoring room. It is the parent’s responsibility to get the student to and from tutoring. If they do attend another program, it is the parent’s responsibility to speak with the other program. We are only responsible for the student once they walk into the tutoring room until they walk out the door.
My student has really bad grades, does that bump my child up on the waitlist?
No, all of our students have an IEP, are failing, or in danger of failing.
How long will my student be in tutoring?
We check the student’s grades after every trimester, so if they still qualify they will remain in the program unless your student is dismissed due to unexcused absences, excessive excused absences, dismissed due to behavior, or until the end of the school year.
Is it one-on-one tutoring?
No, our site coordinators are matched with two students and our volunteers are matched with one.
What are the tutors’ qualifications?
Our paid staff are either high school seniors, college students, and some may be retired teachers. All of our paid staff have to take a common core evaluation before they are hired.
My student is failing multiple subjects, can they focus on more than one?
We can only note down one focus subject, our board of directors gave instructions to only do one subject at a time until they reach grade level. They are able to work on other subjects, but the majority of the tutoring session will be focused on the focus subject.
How many excused absences can my student have?
It depends on the reasons for the absences. The Program Director will review the student’s reasons before making a final decision.
Will they focus on homework?
We don’t focus on homework, but we do work on homework that is in their focus subject. We are not responsible for the student’s homework.