join the mission
DonateMake a donation. Change a life.

sponsoring a child
It cost $1248 a year, $104 a month, or $13 a day to provide one student with mentor/tutoring.
Our core program offers focused mentor/tutoring in various subjects to students receiving one or more below-average grades.
sponsoring aN EVENT

How we use your giftS
Your generosity allows us to provide quality programs to more children and expand services that change children’s lives. Every gift counts. Every gift is a treasure. Most of your gifts support programs that are critical to keeping GECAC a top-notch youth program: We provide high-quality programs and activities for all kids, many coming from disadvantaged circumstances.
Other Ways to Help
If you are unable to donate, please don’t hesitate to help in other ways.
Consider volunteering with us!
You can spread the word about GECAC! Feel free to share on Facebook or other social media.
A Word From a Founding Board Member
“No matter what is going on in the world there is always hope…and that hope lies in the hearts and minds of our youth. It is our privilege to be a part of their future and to help each and every child that participates in our program. We all must play a crucial role in the development of our young people.
The part you play can be significant to any child. Those lives are forever touched by a caring individual.
Our nation’s youth often lack positive role models and places to go. While our job will never be done, we continue to be encouraged by the results of our work. Every day, young people make choices that impact the rest of their lives…and ours too.
We care about kids and we know you do too.
Adding your effort to the work of others makes everyone’s life better. YOU can make a difference. Giving back feels good, provides a purpose, and most importantly you are helping our young people grow into responsible adults and inspiring them to reach their full potential.”
One Year of Tutoring
One Week of Tutoring
One Month of Tutoring
One Day of Tutoring
You can donate online or mail a check made out to gecac and mail to 322 Sun West Place, Manteca, CA 95337
Every Gift Counts:
Your gift will make a difference—no matter how much you decide to give. Many small gifts make big things happen. Also, a large gift timed just right can launch a host of urgently needed new programs and activities or sponsor an event.
Every Gift is a Treasure:
We see every gift as a treasure that we guard and carefully spend to further our mission. Under 18 percent of our expenses go toward management and fundraising. This means that 82 percent (or more) annually go directly toward our programs and services for kids.
Make a Gift
- Make a Single Gift: Make single gifts to GECAC whenever you can, in any amount. Give where your gift is needed most or designate it to one of our programs. Honor or recognize someone with your gift. It’s quick and easy to do.
- Set up a Monthly: I Care Gift: Become an I Care Member by setting up a monthly donation that fits your budget. Get the convenience of automated payments and the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping GECAC all year long.
- Support/Sponsor a GECAC Fund Raiser: GECAC fundraisers Red, White & Brew, Light the Night and the Annual Antone E. Raymus Bowl-a-thon need your support–and cheerleading!
- Give in Honor of a Special Occasion: Make a gift in honor of your next special occasion—a wedding, a birthday, a milestone. We’ll send you up to 25 donor acknowledgment cards that let your guests know how you feel about GECAC and maybe inspire them to support us, too.
- Make a Gift of Securities: Giving securities to GECAC can be a smart financial move that also helps. It’s easy to do–just transfer them from a brokerage account or send them directly to us.
- Major Gifts: Major gifts launch urgently needed projects, valuable programs, expansion, and community outreach projects. We work closely with you to make sure your philanthropic goals are met.
- Give in Honor or Memory: Honor or remember a loved one, close friends or family member with a heart-warming gift that helps kids.
Host a Fundraiser
- Host an Event: Put on a fundraising event for GECAC—something as simple as a bake sale or dinner party or as energetic as a golf tournament. You’ll be rewarded with a lot of fun, connections to people you wouldn’t otherwise meet, and the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping GECAC help kids.
- Participate in an Event: Events are a big part of GECAC’s fundraising efforts. Come join us! Have fun and help kids at the same time. Even if you can’t attend an event, you can still support it in many other ways.
Plan a Gift or Bequest
- Bequest
You can provide now for a future gift to GECAC by including a bequest provision in your will or revocable trust. GECAC receives the gift and applies it to the purpose you specified. Benefits include:
- Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
- You can modify your bequest if your circumstances change.
- You can direct your bequest to a particular purpose (be sure to check with GECAC to make sure your gift
can be used as intended).
- There is no upper limit on the estate tax deductions that can be taken for charitable bequests.
- You know that your gift will benefit GECAC tomorrow just as you intend it to today.
- Charitable Gift Annuities-Immediate
You transfer cash or securities to GECAC; GECAC pays you or two annuitants you name, a lifetime annuity; the principal passes to GECAC when the contract ends. Benefits include:
- You receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your gift.
- Your lifetime annuity is backed by a reserve and the full assets of GECAC.
- Your annuity treatments are treated as part ordinary income, part capital gains income, and part tax-free
- You have the satisfaction of making a significant gift that benefits you now and GECAC later.
- Charitable Gift Annuity – Deferred
You transfer cash, securities or other property to GECAC; beginning on a specified date in the future; GECAC begins to pay you or up to two annuitants you name, fixed annuity payments for life; the principal passes to GECAC when the contract ends. Benefits include:
- Deferral of payments permits a higher annuity rate and generates a larger charitable deduction.
- You can target your annuity payments to begin when you need them, such as retirement or when a
grandchild needs help with tuition payments.
- The longer you defer payments, the higher the effective rate you will receive.
- You have the satisfaction of making a significant gift now that benefits both you and GECAC later.
- Charitable Lead Trust
You contribute securities or other appreciating assets to a charitable lead trust; the trust makes annual payments to GECAC for a period of time; when the trust terminates the remaining principal is to your heirs. Benefits include:
- The present value of the income payments to GECAC reduces your gift/estate tax.
- All appreciation that takes place in the trust goes tax-free to your heirs.
- You have the satisfaction of making a significant gift to GECAC now that reduces the taxes due on
transfers to your heirs.
- Pooled Income fund
You transfer cash or securities to the pooled income fund; the trust issues you units, like a mutual fund, and pays you, or up to two income beneficiaries you name, the annual income attributable to your units for life; the principal attributed to your units passes to GECAC when the last income beneficiary passes away. Benefits include:
- You receive gift credit and an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your trust.
- You pay no capital gains on any appreciated assets you donate.
- Income can exceed dividends you were receiving on the securities you donated.
- You have the satisfaction of making a gift that benefits you now and GECAC later.
- Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
You transfer cash, securities or other appreciated property into a trust; the trust makes fixed annual payments to you
or to beneficiaries you name; when the trust terminates, the remainder passes to GECAC. Benefits include:
- You receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your contribution to the annuity trust.
- You pay no upfront capital gains tax on any appreciated assets you donate.
- You or your designated income beneficiaries receive stable, predictable income for life or term of years.
- You have the satisfaction of making a significant gift that benefits you now and GECAC later.
- Charitable Remainder Unitrusts
You transfer cash, securities or other appreciated property into a trust; the trust pays a percentage of the value of
its principal, which is revalued annually to you or to beneficiaries you name; when the trust terminates, the remainder
passes to GECAC. Benefits include:
- You receive an immediate income tax on appreciated assets you donate.
- You pay no upfront capital gains tax on appreciated assets you donate.
- You or your designated beneficiaries receive income for life or a term of years.
- You can make additional gifts to the trust as your circumstances allow and qualify for additional tax
- You have the satisfaction of making a significant gift that benefits you now and GECAC later.
- Retained Life Estates
You transfer your residence, farm, or vacation home to GECAC subject to a life estate; you continue to live in the property for life or a specified term of years while continuing to be responsible for all taxes and upkeep; the property passes to GECAC when your life estate ends. Benefits include:
- You receive gift credit and an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of the appraised value of
your property.
- You can terminate your life estate at any time and take an additional tax deduction.
- You have the satisfaction of making a significant gift now that benefits GECAC later.
Explore Family Philanthropy
- Parents can help introduce their children to a lifetime of giving. It’s a way to nurture the next generation of Philanthropists, developing habits of independence, kindness, good judgment and responsibility. Thinking about raising money for something or someone? Think of a great idea and we can help you get started. We think the best way to encourage philanthropy is by example, we also believe that helping our youth get an education is a powerful mission.